058 - Baking Soda


Welcome to thirty-two eleven (”3211”). This newsletter will entail: 3 Reads, 2 Rabbit Holes, 1 Watch, and 1 Listen — 3/2/1/1. Detailing what I have been up to, on the internet.


The Eagles are off to a tough start, losing in tragic manner Monday night against the Falcons. Hoping this chili recipe will bring a win this Sunday against the Saints.

3 reads:

1 - If you have ever owned a shirt from Columbia, there always seems to be tiny pockets that have no true use right by your waist. Interesting read on how Columbia uses “tariff engineering” to avoid extra costs by adding small pockets in their clothing.

“certain women’s garments with “pockets below the waist” get lower duty rates than those without. Because of that, a number of the women’s shirts Columbia Sportswear makes are intentionally designed with tiny pockets near the waistline, which lowers the cost of importing them. One of the company’s shorthands for “pockets below the waist” is “nurse’s pocket.””

2 - The secret ingredient to winning Olympic races - Baking Soda.

“For decades, cyclists and middle-distance runners have used sodium bicarbonate as a perfectly legal performance enhancer—the same baking soda you might find in the back of your kitchen cupboard. Many studies have shown that the simple substance helps tamp down the painful physiological effects of intense effort and helps keep athletes going.

When taken directly, however, sodium bicarbonate can also cause gastrointestinal distress, a risk that’s significant enough to make most athletes say, no thanks. That is, until recently.

A company named Maurten based in Gothenburg, Sweden, says it has solved that problem. Its solution is including a sort of buffer in the recipe. Before eating it, athletes mix the sodium bicarbonate into a starchy gel that has the consistency of yogurt. A recent double-blind study showed that Maurten’s product not only slightly boosted the performance of male cyclists, it also prevented the troublesome side effects. Maurten made the product available to the public in February 2023.”

3 - “Dubbed the “Honey Deuce” cocktail, the drink is expected to serve up over $10 million in sales before this year’s tournament concludes on September 8. For comparison, the combined prize money for both singles winners is $7.2 million.”

2 rabbit holes:

1 - One of my favorite posts every year. Jeremy Maluf breaking down his “one bag” set up. Essentially Jeremy researches products heavily to find the best possible items for functionality and size/weight for travel.

Yes, I am a bit of a nerd with this stuff but I find it fascinating.

2 - The most unhealthy fast food burgers in America, ranked.

1 watch:

1 - Squirrel Suits.

1 listen:

1 - Nimino is a DJ I think will make it big in the coming years. His most recent release.
