054 - Tires


Welcome to thirty-two eleven (”3211”). This newsletter will entail: 3 Reads, 2 Rabbit Holes, 1 Watch, and 1 Listen — 3/2/1/1. Detailing what I have been up to, on the internet.

3 reads:

1 - Random fact of the day: Airlines do not own any of the tires on their planes.

2 - Small but mighty trucks are rising in popularity.

3 - I recently finished the book Project Hail Mary, written by the author of The Martian. Soon to be a movie starring Ryan Gosling in 2026. I definitely recommend it for anyone looking for something different from the usual non-fiction, self-help genre (I often find myself in).

2 rabbit holes:

1 - 38 things Andrew Wilkinson has learned over the last 13,952 days of my his so far.

2 - Adrian Alfieri’s The Proof is a newsletter featuring ‘wellness advice from world-class founders.’ He has a section called Stacks, which organizes 30 product recommendations per founder across Essentials, Fitness, Nutrition, Newsletters, Books, and Sleep. Very interesting to dive into what products each founder uses daily.

1 watch:

1 - Presumed Innocent on Apple TV.

1 listen:

1 - Salute & Sammy Virji - Peach VIP
