053 - Chipotle Boys


Welcome to thirty-two eleven (”3211”). This newsletter will entail: 3 Reads, 2 Rabbit Holes, 1 Watch, and 1 Listen — 3/2/1/1. Detailing what I have been up to, on the internet.


An excerpt I found online from a newsletter called “Man Morning”.

5 daily actions to have a good day. I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow. Get it.

Top 5 Daily Actions

In over 10 years of coaching, and backed by positive psychology, I’ve learned that if you do these 5 key things every day, odds are you’ll have a good day, maybe even a great day.

They are simple yet profoundly effective.

  • Sweat: Get some type of workout in.

  • Connect: Catch up with a friend, family member, or colleague. This is a real-time conversation where you hear their voice.

  • Grow: Learn something new. Do this by listening to a podcast or audiobook on your commute or during your workout, reading a book or newsletter, learning something on YouTube, taking an online course, etc.

  • No Tech: Unplug to recharge. At minimum, give yourself 15 minutes without any technology, notifications, or audio in your ear. You can go for a walk in nature, meditate, journal, etc. Just no tech.

  • Finish: Make meaningful progress on something personal or professional. It could be finishing a draft of a sales proposal, pressing publish on a blog post, organizing the closet, washing the car, or booking a reservation for date night.

When you complete one of the “Top 5,” you simply check it as done.

Will you do all five of these every day? That’s the plan.

And if you don’t, doing as many as possible won’t hurt you.

Bonus: When you use your time wisely, you can probably finish four out of five before the sun comes up.

3 reads:

1 - I can name at least 4 chipotle boys off the top of my head. Quick, consistent, simple - nothing beats chipotle.

2 - Ryan Holiday, stoicism author, details the 10 habits that will help you to live and be better.

3 - The Secret Scientists behind D-Day. Learning how to predict waves.

2 rabbit holes:

1 - Really cool website I came across, providing duplicates of any item’s link you paste into this site.

2 - The 30 coolest streets right now.

1 watch:

1 - Pumped for the season 3 of The Bear, coming out on June 27th, 2024.

1 listen:

1 - Sammy Virji - Alright.
