051 - Sheep


Welcome to thirty-two eleven (”3211”). This newsletter will entail: 3 Reads, 2 Rabbit Holes, 1 Watch, and 1 Listen — 3/2/1/1. Detailing what I have been up to, on the internet.

3 reads:

1 - Russ Cook, also known on social media as “Hardest Geezer”, has run the length of Africa. He and his team had money, passports and equipment stolen in a gunpoint robbery in Angola. He was temporarily halted by back pain in Nigeria. And he was almost stopped in his tracks by the lack of a visa to enter Algeria, before diplomatic intervention from the Algerian embassy in Britain managed to secure the required documents.

He plans to celebrate with a party, where British band Soft Play is due to perform. “We’re going to have strawberry daiquiris on the beach tonight,” he said. “It’s going to be unreal.”

2 - Agrivoltaics - The practice of using land for both agriculture and solar power generation.

Solar power generation and agriculture are starting to blend. Solar Farms in Texas have helped boost the sheep industry, using the animals to keep grass from growing too high and eating where mowers can not reach.

3 - The president of Botswana has threatened to send 20,000 elephants to Germany in a dispute over conservation.

Germany has suggested there should be stricter limits on importing trophies from hunting animals in Africa. Botswana's President thinks differently, as hunting helps their economy and keeps the elephant population down. Herds have been causing damage to property, eating crops and trampling residents. Botswana is home to 1/3 of the world's elephant population, more than the country has space for.

2 rabbit holes:

1 - Winners of the 2024 Travel Goods Awards.

2 - Turn your photos into coloring pages.

1 watch:

1 - Three Body Problem on Netflix.

1 listen:

1 - Midnight in Tempe - MAR.
