049 - Protein


Welcome to thirty-two eleven (”3211”). This newsletter will entail: 3 Reads, 2 Rabbit Holes, 1 Watch, and 1 Listen — 3/2/1/1. Detailing what I have been up to, on the internet.


Quote of the week I found

3 reads:

1 - For farmers in Senegal who struggle to read or write, sending voice notes has unlocked a new world of collaboration across the industry.

2 - Life Insurance and Space Flights.

3 - A good deep dive on the rise of Andrew Huberman.

2 rabbit holes:

1 - For the high protein beasts out there, an interesting chart.

2 - A great twitter follow - Art, but make it sports.

1 watch:

1 - The first two episodes have come out for The Dynasty: New England Patriots. An interesting documentary on the rise of the Patriots and Tom Brady, detailing all of the measures they went to win (Go Birds).

1 listen:

1 - Recently I have been bumping The Altons, big fan.
