039 - Banff


Welcome to thirty-two eleven (”3211”). This week’s issue is running a little different for all 50 of my loyal followers. I recently spent 9 days in Western Canada, traveling through Banff, YOHO, and Kootenay National Parks with my 3 brothers and 5 friends. This will serve as a recap of some of the trip.

Day 1 - Canada

The crew of 9 flew in on Friday the 28th from DC, NY, and NC all meeting at Calgary airport. Calgary is 1:30 east of Banff, and 3 hours east of Golden, BC where we would be staying. After picking up rental cars, we drove 1:30 west into the town of Banff to Three Bears Brewery for some bison ribs, chicken sandwiches, and pints.

The worst weather of the trip, this day brought mist over the Canadian Rockies. After walking around some, we continued west another 1:30 to Golden, British Columbia. As phone data was limited during drives, so was streaming music. JBs car decided to explore the Turo rental car owner’s CDs for some background noise. Thus, Mista Champion was born.

Mista Champion (this is our made up name for it) is an Indian song, which soon became an anthem most of us memorized the words to. Officially known as Nit Japiyai Saas Giraas by Bhai Harjinder Singh, Mista Champion led the drives throughout the Rockies during the trip.

Day 2 - The Longest Day

After arriving to Golden, BC late Friday night. We left early Saturday morning with a 5am departure for Lake Louise. Unfortunately road work left the fellas waiting on a Canadian highway for a bit but we prevailed after some time.

Lake Louise has become so popular that parking fills up by 7am and cars are no longer allowed at the neighboring lake, Lake Moraine. We made sure to get there before the crowds and before the night mist cleared. We started up a 9.6 mile hike to the glacier peak around the lake. The peak featured a tea house, out houses, and great views.

Once done the hike about 4.5 hours later, we grabbed sandwiches and Molsons to swim in a nearby glacier lake.

Afterwards we headed to the town of Banff for a happy hour before dinner at the Northern Lights Alpine Kitchen, a buffet only accessible via Gondola ride up the mountain. Finishing dinner around 10pm, we then drove back to Golden to the house. A full day indeed, 5 hours shy of 24 hours.

Day 3 - White Water Rafting

A later start in order to catch up on sleep, we had prepared for a light 3 mile hike to a glacier in YOHO national park. Unfortunately the Canadians decided to name 3 hikes the same name outside of a one word difference. We ended up choosing the senior citizen 1 mile loop by accident, about the same as a walk in the infamous Saunders Woods of Gladwyne, PA.

Losing some time and brain cells from confusion, we stopped at a local watering hole for a beer and game of pool to prepare for white water rafting that afternoon. The crew put on wetsuits and helmets ready to attack the glacier fed creek. We would be rafting down the Toby creek, located in Kootenay National Park. The guides were some of the biggest characters in Canada, with one of the gnarliest mullets one could find.

Day 4 - Fishing does not always mean catching

The crew of 9 split up on this day, myself and the other Scheuerle boys went fly fishing in Golden, BC. The rest of the crew did an ATV tour nearby. Led by our “guide” Cam, we perfected the fly fishing cast but unfortunately lost 3 fish on major bites. Not one fish was reeled in that morning after 5 hours of casting. The most unsuccessful fishing experience I have ever had. The crew reconvened in Golden for dinner and called it a night.

Day 5 - Golden Golf Club

Cory Joe the fisherman departed early this day as the 8 remaining teed off at Golden Golf Club. A beautiful course located between the Canadian Rockies in Golden, BC. Team Kyle, Grant, Pete, and Jack brought home the win by 1 stroke.

Approaching the 14th hole, a course employee drove up to us and notified there was a grizzly in the stream by the putting green. While hitting our second shot, the bear walked right behind us.

The afternoon was closed out with Beer Olympics. Unfortunately my team did not take home the W.

Day 6 - Suspension Bridges Suck

After sleeping in, we grabbed breakfast in town and continued to the Golden Skybridge. This is the highest suspension bridge in Canada. Absolutely terrifying and one person wide, tourists who take pictures in the middle made the fellas shake in their boots more than desired. After time we made it to the other side.

The day was finished in the hot tub alongside a big pasta dinner.

Day 7 - Berry Season

The day was started with a 6am wake up alongside bacon and eggs. We drove just past Banff to tackle what we thought to be a 8.6 mile hike to Bourgeau Lake.

The signs outside of the gate entrance detailed it was peak berry season on this trail which comes with Bear season. Formation was taken with myself leading the pack and my speaker playing music, a bear spray can at the front and back. Bears avoid approaching loud noises, therefore we decided taking on the hike with Rufus du Sol blasting would be the best approach.

Fresh tracks were found on the way up, but no sight of a grizzly on this hike.

After 4 miles it then turned into an up hill battle for the remaining mile. The hike ended up being 5 miles to an otherworldly lake. After a long knee destroying descent the crew returned to Golden to pack up the house and head to Banff for dinner. Everyone purchased their favorite gear and we finished with a Mexican dinner before departing for Calgary for the last leg of the trip.

Day 8 - Calgary

After sleeping in, Turo rental cars were put through car washes and returned - RIP Mista Champion. Lunch was eaten at the Ship & Anchor alongside some premier league soccer. The afternoon was then spent at Greta, an arcade bar where Eric took home the gold for best guitar hero player. Billiards were played at Spanky’s before ending the night at Commonwealth.

Day 9 - Departure

The next day was spent resting and packing. A crew of 4 left at midnight for a flight home while the remaining Scheuerle boys departed the next morning. An unreal trip with great people, good to be back in America.
