038 - Andre Schurrle


Welcome to thirty-two eleven (”3211”). This newsletter will entail: 3 Reads, 2 Rabbit Holes, 1 Watch, and 1 Listen — 3/2/1/1. Detailing what I have been up to, on the internet.


Banff bound tomorrow morning, yee yee.

3 reads:

1 - During the 1920s in Berlin they basically had real-life dating apps.

2 - I think Tynan (the guy who writes this blog) is one of the cooler people I’ve ever read about. He dives into the automation he sets in all of his homes. He pretty much rigs his whole house for a bunch of scenarios. He has not touched a light switch in years. For example,

“Now I do complex things like alert when people are detected and no one is supposed to be home, increase brightness near doors only when people are detected, etc. It can even count people, so I could make a mode where if 3 or more people are in the pool it switches to pool party mode and starts playing music.”

3 - Wavy walls > Straight Walls.

2 rabbit holes:

1 - Andre Schurrle had the World Cup-winning assist to Mario Goetze in 2014. I have a theory that I, Kyle Scheuerle, and Andre Schurrle are related to eachother. In 2014, after he won the world cup, I e-mailed Andre Schurrle claiming we are related, and proposed that he could send me gear to rep the Andre Schurrle brand in America. I heard no response for a number of months, but randomly one day in the mail received a signed postcard of Andre in his full uniform. I still have it on the shelf in my room to this day. Absolute legend.

2 - Jamie Diamond on why America is the best country. ‘Merica.

1 watch:

1 - Wonder Studio is insane. This AI film software allows anyone to use CGI, making futuristic movies will be accessible to anyone now.

1 listen:

1 - French 79 - Hometown.
