017 - Go Birds


Welcome to thirty-two eleven (”3211”). This newsletter will entail: 3 Reads, 2 Rabbit Holes, 1 Watch, and 1 Listen — 3/2/1/1. Detailing what I have been up to, on the internet.


I have been crushing Yellowstone lately, just started up season 3. Makes me want to dress like a cowboy more and more every day.

3 reads:

1 - This eagles fan ran into a pillar during the historic super bowl run in 2018. He now runs into a pillar before every game  for good luck (it's been working).

His twitter - "Eagles Pillar Guy"

2 - New York-based startup DoNotPay, created a way for people to fight traffic tickets in court, using artificial intelligence. However, the company was sent prison threats if they went through with it.

3 - Former Tewaaraton (The Heisman of College Lacrosse) winner, Pat Spencer is making moves in the G League for the Golden State Warriors.

2 rabbit holes:

1 - This children's book was written using ChatGPT and the illustrations were made using Mid Journey (AI Art software).

2 - Make your own bedtime story by simply writing a one sentence prompt:

1 watch:

1 - A channel that scrubs the best lectures/podcasts and shows the notes taken on them as you listen along. A great way to find the highlights of long podcasts featuring Naval Ravikant, Tim Ferriss, etc. 

1 listen:

1 - Solid lecture from esteemed Venture Capitalist,  Bill Gurley.
